Your Brand Marketing


LBL Colleen Stewart | Corporate Storytelling

Coming Up With The Perfect Pitch Through Corporate Storytelling With Colleen Stewart

  Telling stories is how we connect and relate to people and perceive and explain the world around us. Likewise, corporate storytelling is how we create and develop connections with clients, investors, and even our employees. Today’s guest is Colleen Stewart, the President of the Perfect Pitch Consulting Group. On her first pitch, she found herself in…

Coming Up With The Perfect Pitch Through Corporate Storytelling With Colleen Stewart Read More »

LBL Adam Kolozetti | Lead Generation

Lead Generation For Franchisor Community With Enta Solutions With Adam Kolozetti And Katelyn Bullock

  Every company has its own story, culture, and values. The big question is: do you integrate them into your lead generation strategies? Ben Baker’s guests are Adam Kolozetti and Katelyn Bullock, the founders of Enta Solutions. Adam and Katelyn explain how you can reinforce your lead generation strategies simply by sharing your story. Here’s the thing: the way you share your

Lead Generation For Franchisor Community With Enta Solutions With Adam Kolozetti And Katelyn Bullock Read More »

LBL Dondi Scumaci | Use Data

How You Can Use Data To Give Value With Dondi Scumaci

  Do you use data to gain insight into how you can give value to your customers? Today’s guest is Dondi Scumaci, an international speaker, author, and mentoring thought leader whose coaching and facilitating expertise allows her to guide international problem-solving groups. In this episode, Dondi discusses with Ben Baker how data can be used to

How You Can Use Data To Give Value With Dondi Scumaci Read More »

LBL Billy | Making Great Podcasts

What Makes A Good Podcast Great With Billy Samoa Saleebey

  A study shows that 50% of all US homes are fond of podcasts. After all, it’s always a delight to tune into your favorite podcast while working, driving, or doing routine tasks. But what makes a good podcast great? Joining Ben Baker on the show today is Billy Samoa Saleebey, the host of the amazing

What Makes A Good Podcast Great With Billy Samoa Saleebey Read More »

Kenyon Salo

Kenyon Salo is many things.  He is a speaker, a speaker’s coach, a motivator, a storyteller and part of the Denver Bronco’s skydiving team.  Kenyon lives life to the fullest and motivates others to live their life with purpose and passion.   I know you will enjoy this episode, I loved having him as a guest.

Kenyon Salo Read More »

Jae M. Rang joins me on the March 28 2018 show

It was great to have Jae M. Rang on the show today. We spoke about AHA Moments and the importance of understanding clients first. I hope you enjoy this episode and take away your own AHA Moment.                     IF YOU WANT TO LISTEN TO THE PODCAST

Jae M. Rang joins me on the March 28 2018 show Read More »

Heather White joins me on the March 21 2018 show

Heather White is our special guest today. She has developed an amazing consulting business to help high achievers reach goals way beyond fortune and fame. You can reach her directly at IF YOU WANT TO LISTEN TO THE PODCAST VERSION OF THE SHOW ITUNES SOUNDCLOUD

Heather White joins me on the March 21 2018 show Read More »

Can You Tell YOUR Story Effectively?

  If I put a microphone or a video camera in front of you and said you had two minutes to effectively tell your brand story. . .  could you? Could you explain to people where you came from, where you are and where you are going? Unfortunately, this is a skill set that most

Can You Tell YOUR Story Effectively? Read More »

What Every Exhibitor (and Show Manager) Needs to Know About Branding

Here is our latest Postcast with Marlys Arnold.   I hope that you find it valuable. Posted in Expert Interviews, Podcast Episode, Tips for Show Managers, Tools for Exhibitors By Marlys Arnold On October 6, 2016 Contrary to popular belief, your brand is not your logo. It goes far beyond that, and if you’re not

What Every Exhibitor (and Show Manager) Needs to Know About Branding Read More »

Kudos to the Promotional Marketing Industry

  The PPAI – Promotional Products Association International, is just launching a brand new, multi-year campaign called “Get In Touch”.   The goal of this campaign is to engage the greater marketing and advertising community so that they fully understand how promotional marketing can be used to augment their current marketing mix and help communicate their

Kudos to the Promotional Marketing Industry Read More »

Silver - one episode plan $4395.00

  • One 60-minute recorded interview to understand who you are, what you do, why you do it, who you do it for and why they should care. This interview is designed to show your true value and enable you to shine
  • Four 2-3-minute videos that come from that interview that help you tell specific parts of your story that you can put on your website and used through social media and email campaigns regularly.
  • Four 30-60 second audiograms designed to enable pecple to have a quick understanding of your value and why they should search you out to find out more through their use on your website and social meda.
  • Six images that you can use through your social media on an on-going basis.
  • Five or Six tweets that can be sent out regularly.
  • An edited transcript of the interview that enable you to ganer even more market materials and have approximately 6500 words on your website that provides SEO benefits.
  • One 25-35-minute podcast episode on the Find Your Pro Show with a marketing that looks like this

GOLD - four episode plan $10998.00

  • One 60-minute recorded interview to understand who you are, what you do, why you do t, who you do it for and why they should care. This interview is designed to show your true value and enable you to shine
  • Three additional 60-minutes recorded interviews that can be testimonials with clients, case studies, best practices or top questions of your clients answered. The goal is to provide value to your audience that creates trust with them and gives them reason to buy from you
  • Sixteen (4 per interview) 2-3-minute videos that come from that interview that help you tell specific parts of your story that you can put on your website and used through social mead and email campaigns regularly,
  • Sixteen (4 per interview) 3060 second audiograms designed to enable people to have a quick understanding of your value and why they should search you out to find out more through their use on your website and social media
  • Twenty-four (6 per interview) images that you can use through your social media on an on-going basis
  • Twenty four (6 per interview) tweets that can be sent out regularly.
  • Four (one per episode) edited transcripts of the interviews that enable you to garner even more market materials and have approximately 6500 words on your website that provides SEO benefits.
  • Four 25-35-minute podcast episode on the Find Your Pro Show with a marketing page that looks like this

PLATINUM- twelve episode plan $27750.00

  • One 60-minute recorded interview to understand who you are, what you do, why you do it, who you do it for and why they should care. This interview is designed to show your true value and enable you to shine.
  • Eleven additional 60-minutes recorded interviews that can be testimonials with clients, case studies, best practices or top questions of your clients answered. The goal is to provide value to your audience that creates trust with them and gives them reason to buy from you.
  • Forty-eight (4 per interview) 2-3-minute videos that come from that interview that help you tell specific parts of your story that you can put on your website and used through social media and email campaigns regularly.
  • Forty-eight (4 per interview) 30-60 second audiograms designed to enable people to have a quick understanding of your value and why they should search you out to find out more through their use on your website and social media.
  • Seventy-two (6 per interview) images that you can use through your social media on an on-going basis.
  • Seventy-two (6 per interview) tweets that can be sent out regularly.
  • Twelve (one per episode) edited transcripts of the interviews that enable you to garner even more market materials and have approximately 6500 words on your website that provides SEO benefits.
  • Twelve 25-35-minute podcast episode on the Find Your Pro Show with a marketing page that looks like this.

The SILVER option is designed for companies on a limited budget or who would like to try the power of the Communicate Your Why program before committing.

It provides you with a reasonable amount of shareable content and access to our network. However, for most companies, this may not provide a full year's worth of marketing materials. If you purchase a SILVER package and decide to upgrade within 30 days of the airing of your episode, we will credit 90% of the SILVER package towards either a GOLD or PLATINUM package.

Our expectation is that we will release your episode within 30 days of the recording date.

The GOLD option is a basic yearly marketing package.

Optimally, you would release an episode quarterly and use the content that accompanies it to update your marketing on a quarterly basis. It is literally four times the amount of marketing materials as the SILVER option and allows you to not only tell your story but create a case studies with clients or talk about specific ways you add value to your clientele in a non-sales way. We would suggest that you have us interview other employees, suppliers, strategic partners and/or clients with additional episodes in order to add additional value and tell a richer and a more robust version of your brand story.

Our expectation is that we will release your episodes quarterly.

The PLATINUM option is designed as a monthly marketing package

It gives you the content you desire to stay top of mind with your clients and prospects, talk about ongoing developments and tell a more robust story. Again, if you purchase a GOLD package and decide to upgrade to a PLATINUM one within 90 days of starting the original GOLD package, we will credit 90% of the original purchase price towards the price of the PLATINUM option. We would suggest that you have us interview other employees, suppliers, strategic partners and/or clients with additional episodes in order to add additional value and tell a richer and more robust version of your brand story.

Our expectation is that we will release your episodes monthly.

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