Your Brand Marketing

Updated information on Canadian Consumer Product Safety Act March 2015


Hello everyone:

Attached are some notifications that I have received over the last few months that deal with CCPSA (Canadian Consumer Product Safety Act).  As well, I have attached the Guide for Mandatory reporting from last April to make sure that it was available to you if necessary.

It is our goal to help our clients design, develop and implement promotional marketing programs that are not only effective and unique, but are safe as well.

Please view the attached information and contact us with any questions you may have.

I hope that you find this useful and thanks for your on-going support.


April 23 2015

NEW from Health Canada’s Consumer Product Safety Program:  

We are writing to inform you that the OECD Working Party on Consumer Product Safety is now accepting public comments on the draft report on global tracking and traceability project.

The draft report is now available on the OECD’s Consumer Product Safety website and also attached to this email.

We are accepting public comments on the proposal to enhance tracking and traceability tools for consumers, regulators, and economic actors.

Here is a link to the draft document.

Track trace project for early 2015 public comment EN

During February 2014, the OECD Working Party on Consumer Product Safety requested public input on the feasibility of specific practices aimed at improving tracking information on consumer products.

This document provides an analysis of input received from the February 2014 questionnaire as well as other useful information from individual jurisdictions.

It also proposes conclusions that could become the basis for a global practice.

Comments on this document from non-government stakeholders would be appreciated and should be forwarded to the OECD: [email protected] by 30 May 2015.

March 27 2015

NEW from Health Canada’s Consumer Product Safety Program:

Consumer Product Enforcement Summary Reports

March 20 2015

NEW from Health Canada’s Consumer Product Safety Program:

Consumer Product Safety Incident Reports

Consumer Product Safety Directorate /Healthy Environments and Community Safety Branch
Health Canada/ Government of Canada
[email protected]

March 19 2015:


On December 12th Health Canada’s Consumer Product Safety Program (CPSP) announced our intention to provide information to industry and consumers on products that were reviewed by Health Canada and indicate which ones met or did not meet safety standards.  A Consumer Product Enforcement Summary Report template was provided with the notice.

Based on feedback on the Summary template, the CPSP has made some changes to the manner in which information will be provided. An updated template is attached below.

Furthermore, the sources of consumer products identified in the Summary reports will be notified 1 week prior to the posting of the report on the Health Canada website.

The CPSP intends to post the first Consumer Product Enforcement Summary Report on the Health Canada website before the end of the month.

C&E-TEM-100-06B CE Enforcement Summary Reports for web posting

March 11, 2015:

NEW from Health Canada’s Consumer Product Safety Program

Notice Regarding Toys and Children’s Products that Contain TCEP in Polyurethane Foam

The purpose of this notice is to provide information regarding a new prohibition for certain polyurethane foam (PUF) products containing tris (2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP) and Health Canada’s current enforcement work.

Notice Regarding Toys and Children’s Products that Contain TCEP in Polyurethane Foam

March 5, 2015:

NEW from Health Canada’s Consumer Product Safety Program:

Risk Assessment Framework Summary


January 9, 2015:

NEW from Health Canada’s Consumer Product Safety Program:

Industry Guide for the Classification of Cribs, Cradles, Bassinets and Related Products


December 22, 2014:

NEW from Health Canada’s Consumer Product Safety Program:  Consumer Product Safety Program Risk Assessment Framework and Summary of Feedback

In April 2014, Health Canada committed in its Regulatory Transparency and Openness Framework to making more information available.  As part of this initiative, Health Canada committed to making available its Consumer Product Safety Program Risk Assessment Framework.

The Risk Assessment Framework provides clarity and transparency to internal and external stakeholders on the principles and processes associated with risk assessment in the Program. Because the Program operates primarily under a post-market regime and cannot address all issues, the Risk Assessment Framework also helps establish a risk-based approach to determine where the Program should focus its attention.

In order to ensure transparency and to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to provide feedback, Health Canada solicited comments from interested Canadians during the period of November 29th, 2013 to January 30th, 2014. We heard from consumers, multinational manufacturers, business associations, retailers, consulting firms, laboratories, non-governmental organizations and other governments from across the country and internationally. Their input has been taken into consideration in finalizing the Consumer Product Safety Program Risk Assessment Framework.  The main comments received are summarized in the attached Summary of Feedback.  In addition, the final Risk Assessment Framework is attached.

Risk Assessment Framework

Risk Assessment Framework

Summary of Feedback

Summary of Feedback

For any further inquiries regarding the Risk Assessment Framework, please contact the Consumer Product Safety Directorate (Health Canada) by email ([email protected]).

For further information regarding Health Canada’s Regulatory Transparency and Openness Framework, please visit the Health Canada website at


December 16, 2014:

NEW from Health Canada’s Consumer Product Safety Program:

Overview of Mandatory Reporting: Section 14 of the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act


December 12, 2014:

NEW from Health Canada’s Consumer Product Safety Program

As part of the Government of Canada’s commitment to Transparency and Openness, Health Canada wishes to inform you that two new summary reports will be web published: the Consumer Product Enforcement Summary Reports and the Quarterly Consumer Product Safety Incident Summary Reports.

1.        Consumer Product Enforcement Summary Reports will be produced by Health Canada at the end of each planned enforcement project.

Health Canada carries out planned inspection projects for products with specific regulatory requirements under the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (CCPSA) and for cosmetics under Canada’s Food and Drugs Act. Higher risk products such as children’s products or product categories with a history of a high degree of non-compliance are looked at more frequently than lower risk products with a good degree of compliance.

The Consumer Product Enforcement Summary Reports will provide information to industry and consumers on products that were reviewed by Health Canada and which ones met or did not meet safety standards. It will also inform Canadians as to any corrective actions. The reports will include a description of the product focus of the enforcement project, compliance with regulations, a description of the stakeholder base and communications, and testing results (including brand, product name, responsible establishment, nature of Non-Compliance, and Corrective Actions).

Note that these summary reports relate only to the product(s) actually tested and the specific criteria indicated.  Testing by Health Canada does not represent approval or endorsement of the product(s).

Please see the attached template provided below.

Quarterly Consumer Product Safety Incident Summary Reports


 November 2014:

SUBJECT: Information from Health Canada – Drawstrings on Children’s Upper Outerwear


Please find attached (in both French and English) an industry guidance document from Health Canada regarding Drawstrings on Children’s Upper Outerwear.

Health Canada has determined that the following products can pose a danger to children:

1.        Children’s upper outerwear in sizes newborn to 12 that have drawstrings in the hood and neck area.

2.        Children’s upper outerwear in sizes 2T to 16 that do not meet the performance requirements set out in ASTM Standard F1816-97, Standard Safety Specification for Drawstrings on Children’s Upper Outerwear, for drawstrings at the waist and bottom.

The manufacture, importation, advertisement or sale of these products is a violation of paragraphs 7(a) and 8(a) of the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (CCPSA).

The Information from Health Canada – Drawstrings on Children’s Upper Outerwear – ENG document outlines the hazards associated with these products and minimum requirements for industry.

April 10 2014:

Guidance on Mandatory Incident Reporting under the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act 
By law, companies must inform Health Canada within two days of becoming aware of a health or safety incident related to a consumer product they manufacture, import, or sell. This serves as an early warning and detection of health or safety issues with the purpose of reducing the number of unsafe or potentially unsafe consumer products on the Canadian market. This information helps Health Canada and industry to proactively and efficiently respond, where appropriate, to consumer product health and safety concerns.

Use the form below to report to Health Canada:

Consumer Product Incident Report Form

Additional guidance is provided below:

Guidance on Mandatory Incident Reporting under the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act – Section 14 Duties in the Event of an Incident

Canada Consumer Product Safety Act  Quick Reference Guide

Canada Consumer Product Safety Act – Information for Retailers




Silver - one episode plan $4395.00

  • One 60-minute recorded interview to understand who you are, what you do, why you do it, who you do it for and why they should care. This interview is designed to show your true value and enable you to shine
  • Four 2-3-minute videos that come from that interview that help you tell specific parts of your story that you can put on your website and used through social media and email campaigns regularly.
  • Four 30-60 second audiograms designed to enable pecple to have a quick understanding of your value and why they should search you out to find out more through their use on your website and social meda.
  • Six images that you can use through your social media on an on-going basis.
  • Five or Six tweets that can be sent out regularly.
  • An edited transcript of the interview that enable you to ganer even more market materials and have approximately 6500 words on your website that provides SEO benefits.
  • One 25-35-minute podcast episode on the Find Your Pro Show with a marketing that looks like this

GOLD - four episode plan $10998.00

  • One 60-minute recorded interview to understand who you are, what you do, why you do t, who you do it for and why they should care. This interview is designed to show your true value and enable you to shine
  • Three additional 60-minutes recorded interviews that can be testimonials with clients, case studies, best practices or top questions of your clients answered. The goal is to provide value to your audience that creates trust with them and gives them reason to buy from you
  • Sixteen (4 per interview) 2-3-minute videos that come from that interview that help you tell specific parts of your story that you can put on your website and used through social mead and email campaigns regularly,
  • Sixteen (4 per interview) 3060 second audiograms designed to enable people to have a quick understanding of your value and why they should search you out to find out more through their use on your website and social media
  • Twenty-four (6 per interview) images that you can use through your social media on an on-going basis
  • Twenty four (6 per interview) tweets that can be sent out regularly.
  • Four (one per episode) edited transcripts of the interviews that enable you to garner even more market materials and have approximately 6500 words on your website that provides SEO benefits.
  • Four 25-35-minute podcast episode on the Find Your Pro Show with a marketing page that looks like this

PLATINUM- twelve episode plan $27750.00

  • One 60-minute recorded interview to understand who you are, what you do, why you do it, who you do it for and why they should care. This interview is designed to show your true value and enable you to shine.
  • Eleven additional 60-minutes recorded interviews that can be testimonials with clients, case studies, best practices or top questions of your clients answered. The goal is to provide value to your audience that creates trust with them and gives them reason to buy from you.
  • Forty-eight (4 per interview) 2-3-minute videos that come from that interview that help you tell specific parts of your story that you can put on your website and used through social media and email campaigns regularly.
  • Forty-eight (4 per interview) 30-60 second audiograms designed to enable people to have a quick understanding of your value and why they should search you out to find out more through their use on your website and social media.
  • Seventy-two (6 per interview) images that you can use through your social media on an on-going basis.
  • Seventy-two (6 per interview) tweets that can be sent out regularly.
  • Twelve (one per episode) edited transcripts of the interviews that enable you to garner even more market materials and have approximately 6500 words on your website that provides SEO benefits.
  • Twelve 25-35-minute podcast episode on the Find Your Pro Show with a marketing page that looks like this.

The SILVER option is designed for companies on a limited budget or who would like to try the power of the Communicate Your Why program before committing.

It provides you with a reasonable amount of shareable content and access to our network. However, for most companies, this may not provide a full year's worth of marketing materials. If you purchase a SILVER package and decide to upgrade within 30 days of the airing of your episode, we will credit 90% of the SILVER package towards either a GOLD or PLATINUM package.

Our expectation is that we will release your episode within 30 days of the recording date.

The GOLD option is a basic yearly marketing package.

Optimally, you would release an episode quarterly and use the content that accompanies it to update your marketing on a quarterly basis. It is literally four times the amount of marketing materials as the SILVER option and allows you to not only tell your story but create a case studies with clients or talk about specific ways you add value to your clientele in a non-sales way. We would suggest that you have us interview other employees, suppliers, strategic partners and/or clients with additional episodes in order to add additional value and tell a richer and a more robust version of your brand story.

Our expectation is that we will release your episodes quarterly.

The PLATINUM option is designed as a monthly marketing package

It gives you the content you desire to stay top of mind with your clients and prospects, talk about ongoing developments and tell a more robust story. Again, if you purchase a GOLD package and decide to upgrade to a PLATINUM one within 90 days of starting the original GOLD package, we will credit 90% of the original purchase price towards the price of the PLATINUM option. We would suggest that you have us interview other employees, suppliers, strategic partners and/or clients with additional episodes in order to add additional value and tell a richer and more robust version of your brand story.

Our expectation is that we will release your episodes monthly.

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