Your Brand Marketing

Permission-Based Marketing for Trade Shows: Are You Legal?

CMYK Solutions was recently featured in a podcast on CASL – Canadian Anti – Spam Legislation.

To listen to the PODCAST:

This is part of the Trade Show Insight Podcast Series by Marlys Arnold.

If you think collecting names at a trade show automatically gives you the right to start sending bulk e-mails to that list, think again!

With the implementation of stronger anti-spam laws, there are some permission-based marketing principles you need to put in place, whether you’re an exhibitor or a show organizer. Click the play button at the bottom of this article to hear guest experts Ben Baker from CMYK Solutions and Fred Tremblay from Event Technologies share insights on:

  • What the new Canadian law means for communication with attendees (even if you’re not based in Canada)
  • Why show managers must be careful how they allow exhibitors to contact attendees prior to the show
  • Why sharing e-mail addresses can be extremely risky business
  • How to insure your list members have given you the legally-required permission to contact them
  • What needs to be included in every e-mail you send

Here are links to additional articles mentioned during the interview:

Disclaimer: We are not attorneys, so this discussion is provided for informational purposes only and shouldn’t be construed as legal advice. We recommend you consult your attorney to determine whether your communication systems and practices are in compliance with the laws.


About Ben Baker:

With nearly two decades of experience in print, direct mail, non-disclosure printing services, and promotional marketing, Ben Baker’s goal is to help people communicate effectively and get noticed. As president of CMYK Solutions Inc., he believes that marketing needs to be integrated in order to achieve goals and support brand objectives. That said … there is no such thing as a wrong channel, but possibly channels that are wrong for you to best demonstrate your value to your intended audience.

You can connect with Ben via the CMYK Solutions website.

Fred Tremblay

About Fred Tremblay:

Fred Tremblay has over 20 years experience in the trade show industry, and has been in the software business since the 1970s. His management experience includes time as an independent consultant in the high tech industry and two years as Executive Vice President of the 1994 World Cup Organizing Committee in Los Angeles where he learned the sponsorship business from the world’s best. He’s now the VP of Development for Event Technologies, a full-service provider of systems to help exhibitors and show organizers get more value out of their trade show investments.

Get in touch with Fred via the Event Technologies website.



Silver - one episode plan $4395.00

  • One 60-minute recorded interview to understand who you are, what you do, why you do it, who you do it for and why they should care. This interview is designed to show your true value and enable you to shine
  • Four 2-3-minute videos that come from that interview that help you tell specific parts of your story that you can put on your website and used through social media and email campaigns regularly.
  • Four 30-60 second audiograms designed to enable pecple to have a quick understanding of your value and why they should search you out to find out more through their use on your website and social meda.
  • Six images that you can use through your social media on an on-going basis.
  • Five or Six tweets that can be sent out regularly.
  • An edited transcript of the interview that enable you to ganer even more market materials and have approximately 6500 words on your website that provides SEO benefits.
  • One 25-35-minute podcast episode on the Find Your Pro Show with a marketing that looks like this

GOLD - four episode plan $10998.00

  • One 60-minute recorded interview to understand who you are, what you do, why you do t, who you do it for and why they should care. This interview is designed to show your true value and enable you to shine
  • Three additional 60-minutes recorded interviews that can be testimonials with clients, case studies, best practices or top questions of your clients answered. The goal is to provide value to your audience that creates trust with them and gives them reason to buy from you
  • Sixteen (4 per interview) 2-3-minute videos that come from that interview that help you tell specific parts of your story that you can put on your website and used through social mead and email campaigns regularly,
  • Sixteen (4 per interview) 3060 second audiograms designed to enable people to have a quick understanding of your value and why they should search you out to find out more through their use on your website and social media
  • Twenty-four (6 per interview) images that you can use through your social media on an on-going basis
  • Twenty four (6 per interview) tweets that can be sent out regularly.
  • Four (one per episode) edited transcripts of the interviews that enable you to garner even more market materials and have approximately 6500 words on your website that provides SEO benefits.
  • Four 25-35-minute podcast episode on the Find Your Pro Show with a marketing page that looks like this

PLATINUM- twelve episode plan $27750.00

  • One 60-minute recorded interview to understand who you are, what you do, why you do it, who you do it for and why they should care. This interview is designed to show your true value and enable you to shine.
  • Eleven additional 60-minutes recorded interviews that can be testimonials with clients, case studies, best practices or top questions of your clients answered. The goal is to provide value to your audience that creates trust with them and gives them reason to buy from you.
  • Forty-eight (4 per interview) 2-3-minute videos that come from that interview that help you tell specific parts of your story that you can put on your website and used through social media and email campaigns regularly.
  • Forty-eight (4 per interview) 30-60 second audiograms designed to enable people to have a quick understanding of your value and why they should search you out to find out more through their use on your website and social media.
  • Seventy-two (6 per interview) images that you can use through your social media on an on-going basis.
  • Seventy-two (6 per interview) tweets that can be sent out regularly.
  • Twelve (one per episode) edited transcripts of the interviews that enable you to garner even more market materials and have approximately 6500 words on your website that provides SEO benefits.
  • Twelve 25-35-minute podcast episode on the Find Your Pro Show with a marketing page that looks like this.

The SILVER option is designed for companies on a limited budget or who would like to try the power of the Communicate Your Why program before committing.

It provides you with a reasonable amount of shareable content and access to our network. However, for most companies, this may not provide a full year's worth of marketing materials. If you purchase a SILVER package and decide to upgrade within 30 days of the airing of your episode, we will credit 90% of the SILVER package towards either a GOLD or PLATINUM package.

Our expectation is that we will release your episode within 30 days of the recording date.

The GOLD option is a basic yearly marketing package.

Optimally, you would release an episode quarterly and use the content that accompanies it to update your marketing on a quarterly basis. It is literally four times the amount of marketing materials as the SILVER option and allows you to not only tell your story but create a case studies with clients or talk about specific ways you add value to your clientele in a non-sales way. We would suggest that you have us interview other employees, suppliers, strategic partners and/or clients with additional episodes in order to add additional value and tell a richer and a more robust version of your brand story.

Our expectation is that we will release your episodes quarterly.

The PLATINUM option is designed as a monthly marketing package

It gives you the content you desire to stay top of mind with your clients and prospects, talk about ongoing developments and tell a more robust story. Again, if you purchase a GOLD package and decide to upgrade to a PLATINUM one within 90 days of starting the original GOLD package, we will credit 90% of the original purchase price towards the price of the PLATINUM option. We would suggest that you have us interview other employees, suppliers, strategic partners and/or clients with additional episodes in order to add additional value and tell a richer and more robust version of your brand story.

Our expectation is that we will release your episodes monthly.

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