Silver - one episode plan $4395.00
GOLD - four episode plan $10998.00
PLATINUM- twelve episode plan $27750.00
The SILVER option is designed for companies on a limited budget or who would like to try the power of the Communicate Your Why program before committing.
It provides you with a reasonable amount of shareable content and access to our network. However, for most companies, this may not provide a full year's worth of marketing materials. If you purchase a SILVER package and decide to upgrade within 30 days of the airing of your episode, we will credit 90% of the SILVER package towards either a GOLD or PLATINUM package.
Our expectation is that we will release your episode within 30 days of the recording date.
The GOLD option is a basic yearly marketing package.
Optimally, you would release an episode quarterly and use the content that accompanies it to update your marketing on a quarterly basis. It is literally four times the amount of marketing materials as the SILVER option and allows you to not only tell your story but create a case studies with clients or talk about specific ways you add value to your clientele in a non-sales way. We would suggest that you have us interview other employees, suppliers, strategic partners and/or clients with additional episodes in order to add additional value and tell a richer and a more robust version of your brand story.
Our expectation is that we will release your episodes quarterly.
The PLATINUM option is designed as a monthly marketing package
It gives you the content you desire to stay top of mind with your clients and prospects, talk about ongoing developments and tell a more robust story. Again, if you purchase a GOLD package and decide to upgrade to a PLATINUM one within 90 days of starting the original GOLD package, we will credit 90% of the original purchase price towards the price of the PLATINUM option. We would suggest that you have us interview other employees, suppliers, strategic partners and/or clients with additional episodes in order to add additional value and tell a richer and more robust version of your brand story.
Our expectation is that we will release your episodes monthly.